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Second Chance Charlie Is the Gift That Keeps on Giving

CHARLIE's former foster and now furever Mom has this to share.  Note CHARLIE is the big goof ball on the floor in photo.  "When I first saw CHARLIE'S doggie jail photo that a friend had shared on Facebook, his sweet, loving eyes stole my heart! He had so much personality and love in his eyes. I had never fostered before, but knew that this dog had to have a chance, and so we decided to foster him. While we intended to do everything possible to find him his forever home with a family ready to adopt a new member, we grew more and more attached to CHARLIE as time went on, he fit perfectly into our family. However, it wasn't until he went off to doggie training camp that I realized my life was not complete without him in it! Once he came back, we just knew that we had to keep him. He is a member of our family and we can't imagine or hardly remember what it was like before he came to us. So this year we decided to give ourselves and our son the best gift possible.... Our sweet CHARLIE FUREVER!"

Thank you Sandra G. and family for being a complete failure at fostering. Way to go CHARLIE!

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FOSTERING isn't a lifetime

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FOSTERING isn't a lifetime


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