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Our Purpose

Welcome to You Lucky Dog Rescue!

You lucky dog rescue is all volunteer IRC 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue of homeless and abandoned dogs from the high-kill shelters of North Georgia.

We believe it is our moral responsibility to save, protect, and improve the lives of these dogs through the help of committed volunteers, foster homes, donors, local veterinarians, and trainers. We strive to re-introduce these dogs to society, assess their individual needs, and provide them with a loving temporary home while matching them with only the best, carefully screened forever homes.

You Lucky Dog Rescue is committed not only to rescuing dogs from shelters but also making sure they receive the utmost quality of veterinary care before being adopting into a forever home. In addition, You Lucky Dog Rescue provides training for dogs that require help in adjusting to life off of the streets or outside of a shelter. You Lucky Dog Rescue has never shied away from taking in special needs cases such as heartworm disease, injuries requiring orthopedic surgeries or skin conditions including the treatment of mange.

At You Lucky Dog Rescue, we are not just focused on the physical health of the dogs in our care, we also want to be sure that the dogs in our care are emotionally ready to be adopted into their forever home. When one of our dogs is unable to transition into their foster home, we provide training so that these dogs and their fosters can develop a relationship that will benefit both. Participating in extensive training programs allows them to feel safe, secure and well cared for in their foster home.

In addition to placing homeless dogs into adoptive homes, You Lucky Dog Rescue is also committed to educating the public on the importance of spay and neuter in reducing the pet overpopulation problem and the risks of heartworm disease without preventative care. You Lucky dog Rescue also hopes to promote “bully breeds” that are misunderstood and misrepresented. We oppose breed specific legislation and hope to educate the public on the love and loyalty shown by “pit bull” type dogs.


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FOSTERING isn't a lifetime

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It's National Dog Day! We think every day should be National Dog Day; don't you? Tell us about your dog! #YLDR

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FOSTERING isn't a lifetime


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Copyright 2025. You Lucky Dog. All rights reserved.