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Two Times Lucky!

Lucky is 2x Lucky! Lucky (shown on the left) was adopted by a wonderful family, but sometimes as in this case, it doesn't work out the way everyone had hoped. You Lucky Dog Rescue identified that Lucky needed additional training, and that is where he hit the jackpot with a second awesome home. One of his trainers, Amanda D. with Argos Dogworks fell in love with this boy. When she learned that he was ready to go to his new foster home, her heart was sad. She submitted an adoption application, and now Lucky gets to be a canine training assistant. He goes to work every day with Amanda and assists in the rehabilitation of other dogs! How cool is that? He also has a new fur brother named Georgie. By the way, Lucky's first adoptive family is very happy for him. They have stayed in touch wanting only the very best for this boy that they also love! Thank you, Amanda D. and Connor for adopting a rescue dog!

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FOSTERING isn't a lifetime

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It's National Dog Day! We think every day should be National Dog Day; don't you? Tell us about your dog! #YLDR

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FOSTERING isn't a lifetime


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