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Suellen's Match Made In Heaven

Sometimes a match between an adoptable rescue dog and its Forever family is made even more special by surrounding circumstances, so seemingly “meant to be” that we suspect there has to be the hand of divine intervention involved. Suellen came to YLDR after she had already been through so much in her short life. Found as a pregnant stray of less than a full year, she was almost euthanized twice at the county shelter due to lack of space and no one’s claiming her or showing an interest in adopting her, despite her incredibly sweet nature and her exceptional physical beauty. But, each time the staff at the shelter could not bear to see her put down, so they bought her a little more time. Finally, they found an out of state rescue that “checked out” in all of the references.

One of YLDR’s fosters and volunteers saw the transport plea on Facebook, and fell in love with Suellen at first sight. So he responded, volunteering to drive the first leg of the transport. During the nearly two hour drive, he fell even MORE in love with this beautiful Girl who, by then, was really starting to “show” her pregnancy. To make a long-story short, the out-of-state rescue group fell on financial hard times, and the owner/director was dealing with several personal issues as well. All this resulted in a drop in the level of care for the animals at the shelter, Suellen and her pups included. One of the other rescue transporters personally adopted Suellen’s pups, and Transporter Tom (as we lovingly call him) and as you may have already guessed was the YLDR Volunteer Transporter, offered to foster Suellen for YLDR. Suellen was now a YLDR girl!

In April, YLDR received a very promising adoption application on Suellen from Mary Beth and “Sandy” (Alexander) Frame. They had recently lost their second of two beloved dogs, and were looking to adopt a new family member. They had seen Suellen’s photos and bio on PetFinder and had fallen in love with her. In fact, upon seeing Suellen online, Mary Beth told Sandy, “I have found our next dog!”

The Frames are very experienced and huge fans of the so-called “Bully” breeds, having been the loving guardians for many years of a male Red-Nosed Pit Bull named Petey. Now, as it turned out, Petey was not just any ordinary Pit Bull. He was a very well known dog in veterinary circles as well as on local Atlanta news media before he had recently passed away. You see, Petey had been diagnosed with a particularly malignant and deadly form of brain cancer and, with the loving support and care of the Frames, had undergone a new, experimental treatment at the University of Georgia's School of Veterinary Medicine. If this new treatment proved to be successful, it would have benefited not only canine sufferers of Petey’s form of brain cancer, but human sufferers as well. Local news channel Fox Five Atlanta picked up on Petey’s story and carried it on their televised newscasts and on their Web site. Petey drew quite a following as he progressed through his treatment, and lived another two and a half years after his initial diagnosis, despite initially being given only a few months at best.

And now you, too, can see why the Frames are such special people and why we at You Lucky Dog Rescue are so thrilled that they found our Suellen (now called Reagan) and made her a part of their loving family. Not only does Reagan have Mary Beth and Sandy to dote on her, but she also has a new “Best Friend Forever” in their fourteen-year-old granddaughter. Mary Beth has been wonderful keeping Regan’s former foster informed of her progress at their home, and he is SO pleased to report to us that she is being treated as the “Princess” she truly is. Mary Beth tells Transporter Tom that “they just keep falling more and more in love with Reagan every day.” Reagan has a wonderful new life now with the Frames (for proof, just look at her big smiles in the photos below!), and we here at YLDR just couldn’t be happier about this “match made in Heaven”.

Thank you Frame Family for adopting a rescue dog. Thank you Transporter Tom for fostering a rescue dog.
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