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Rescue Collaboration Finds Home for Aunt Bee & Jillette

Yes, RESCUE GROUPS DO WORK TOGETHER! Several weeks ago, a co-worker shared with me that her sister was in search of a golden/lab-type rescue puppy to add to their family. At that time, we did not have a puppy fitting that description at You Lucky Dog Rescue, but a new rescue group, Hero Dog Rescue, did. We made an introduction, and it resulted in the first adoption for Hero. Later, Hero Dog Rescue referred a potential adopter to YLDR that was ready to adopt a dog, but they did not have a match in their rescue group.  Guess what? That referral resulted in the adoption of not one, but two of our sweet rescue dogs to the Westphal family. Aunt Bee (right) and Jillette (left) are now totally loved in their new forever home. And, they have the added bonus of canine compansionship.  Thank you, Westphal family, for doubling down on rescue! Thank you Katrin K. and Sandra C., for providing loving foster homes for Aunt Bee and Jillette. Thank you, Hero Dog Rescue, for embracing that RESCUE WORKS WHEN WE ALL WORK TOGETHER!

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FOSTERING isn't a lifetime

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FOSTERING isn't a lifetime


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